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Terms & Conditions

Returns Policy:
Please contact Pink Pig to let us know you are returning an order. There are two policies which will honour. The first is our policy and the second is the "By Law" policy.

Our Policy:
If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, you can return any item to Pink Pig in its original condition within 14 days of the date you received your order. The goods which are returned must be unopened and unused (with any tape, fastening or shrink-wrap intact, where possible. This will act as proof of non usage). A full refund / exchange will be given on receipt of the item's being received by us, as long as the item's are in the exact condition in which they were sent out. If any seals have been broken, the item may be classed as damaged on the customers behalf. Any returns received after the 14 day period will not be reimbursed. You can however have the option of your items being re-sent to you (postage to be paid by the customer).


Any goods ordered incorrectly by our customer/designated purchasee
must be returned within 14 working days. You can return most products to
Pink Pig within 14 days of receipt of the products, if the products are unused.
Importantly: All returns must be secured in their original packaging or suitably packaged for return to avoid damage. Any incorrectly packaged returns could be subject to a fee if damaged on return.

Most books are made to order. When asked to take returns supplied correctly by us as per your order, we will charge 20% of the original order value*. This charge is to cover the cost of the carriage we incur, mainly in sending but also collecting the goods.  Books are heavy and even with our bulk buying power we cannot negotiate a cheaper rate, hence our 20% charge.

*Please note that we charge the minimum cost possible on all returns.

By Law Policy
By law, you also have the right to withdraw from your purchase of an item within seven working days of the day after the date the item is delivered to you.

How to Cancel or Return Items:
To cancel your purchase during the 7 day cooling off period or to return unopened / faulty items, please contact us by phone or email to be given a RMA number for your return. Please pack any unopened item securely and send it to us with the RMA number we have given you clearly displayed on packaging. The goods should be back at Pink Pig within 14 working days of you receiving your order. Items will not be refunded without an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number. This will be calculated by ourselves as 16 working days from the date we dispatched the order to you. We reserve the right to use Pink Pig calculations in this instance.

The return address is:
Pink Pig
North Street
West Yorkshire
LS21 1AH

Tel: 01226 297026

For your protection, we recommend that you use a recorded-delivery service as we can not reimburse your account without receiving the items back first.
Once the items have been returned and checked, only then will we credit your account. We will refund the purchase price of the returned item including postage from the original order.
For more information on your right to withdraw from your purchase within the seven working day cooling-off period, visit the Department of Trade and Industry's Web site at:


Discounts were amended on 21st September 2022 and supersede all previous offers.

Spend over £100 ex VAT and get 10% off

Spend over £250 ex VAT and get 15% off

Spend over £500 ex VAT and get 20% off

Other Statutory Rights:

For more information about your other statutory rights, please visit the Department of Trade and Industry's Consumer Gateway Web site at:

Privacy Policy:

The Pink Pig do not disclose buyers information to third parties. Cookies are used on this shopping site, but only to keep track of the contents of your shopping cart once you have selected an item, and for analytical purposes.
We do not store credit card details nor do we share customer details with any 3rd parties.

About Us
Pink Pig is completely dedicated to your total satisfaction. If you have any suggestions or comments please email us at

Making a purchase could not be easier. Just browse our catalogue, and click on any items that you wish to buy and put them into the shopping cart.
After you have finished your selection, click on "Checkout" and you will be asked for a few details that we need to be able to satisfy your order.

Carriage & Packing:

The shopping cart will calculate the correct carriage depending on your location.

Delivery Schedule:

Payment can be made in full or invoiced (terms apply) for payment within 30 days (Net Monthly) and goods delivered within 5 working days*. We will normally send your order to you within in 3 working days, but please allow up to 5.**  International orders are generally received in under 12 days, lead and delivery times can be further advise via phone on: 01226 297026 or via email at:  

* ** Lead times may vary at busy times and could extend further than the stated 3-5 Working Days.

Back Orders:

You can only order items on this web site that are in stock. In the unlikely event that an item is out of stock, you will not be charged for it. We do not do back orders.

Tax Charges for orders made from the UK or the European Union, 20% VAT is added. All other orders are VAT free and our site will reduce VAT to zero when selecting postage to these areas.

Credit Card Security; All credit card details are taken on a secure browser.

Our aim is to supply products of the highest quality.
The purchaser shall be held responsible for determining the suitability of these products for his/her purpose. Goods which prove to be defective through faulty material or workmanship must be returned for credit or replacement within 30 days  Missing or damaged goods should be reported within 3 working days.
We shall not be held liable for any consequential damage or loss incurred in the use of these materials.

Reaching Us:
If you need to reach us, please email us on , alternatively, you can call on 01226 297026 (International +44 1226 297026) or write to us at; Pink Pig, North Street, Otley, West Yorkshire. United Kingdom

Website Images:

We've put in a lot of effort to show you what our sketchbooks really look like, so when you browse our website you can see each of our wide range of sketchbooks in every colour, size and format that we provide. While we've worked hard to give you the best view of what our sketch books will look like when you get them we cannot guarantee that our sketchbook cover colours will be an exact match to what you see online because of factors such as differences in users screens and computer settings.  Due to the 7,000 strong product range, these products were photographed over months and under different lighting conditions. We also sell many hand-made paper products that can vary from batch to batch, colours may vary each time you order, for this reason.  Books packed in 3's or 5's appear online as a generic image and are for colour purposes only, they do not depict the size or format of the product, descriptions must be read closely to avoid order errors.  If you have any queries about a coloured sketchbook cover please get in contact with us, we'll be happy to help.

Kindest regards, Pink Pig.

© 2025 Pink Pig Trade

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